About LRA Events
LRA works to promote a real feeling of shared community on the Longbarn Estate through its ongoing programme of social events. There are :
Regular Events (including)
Afternoon Teas
Usually every two weeks. A sociable afternoon at Padgate Village Club, with tea/coffee (or something stronger from the bar), cakes, bingo and a raffle.
Special Day Events
Specially arranged coach trips to places of interest (at amazing subsidised prices).
Quiz Nights
A fun night at Padgate Village Club. The questions are set not to be difficult. A hot and cold buffet is included and a raffle is held.
Annual Events (including)
Fireworks Night
A spectacular, professional fireworks display accompanied by food and entertainment. Held at New Horizons School.
Fun Day
A real fun day for all the family (the clue is in the name) – entertainment, displays, stalls, food and refreshments and all the usual things you would expect at a fete.
Scarecrow Competition
A chance to show of your talent for imaginative design, construction and humour. At the same time you can compete against and amuse your neighbours on Longbarn. Prizes awarded to Children and Adult entries.
Xmas Parties
Separate parties for Children and Adults to share the Christmas fun.
Other Events
LRA events are not limited to those above. Other events e.g. BBQs are staged as time permits.
Watch the website for news of events and dates.