Telephone numbers
Non Emergency 101
The PCSO, who can be contacted regarding local issues, covers South Poulton on Warrington East, is Jeremy King (jeremy.king@cheshire.pnn.police.uk).
Primary contact the PCSO(s) via the non-emergency police number of 101. However, in an emergency, residents should always ring 999.
Within Cheshire, over 1000 telephone calls/notifications of incidents are received each day, which are graded and prioritized.
LRA residents are advised that, if there are issues that they feel necessitate a police response, then they should ring 101 or 999 in an emergency where the incident can be evaluated and an appropriate response given.
They liaise regularly with our partners, particularly Golden Gates Housing, Muir Housing and Affinity Sutton Housing and also with Trading Standards, based within Warrington.
The PCSOs are particularly aware of residents’ on-going concerns regarding traffic through the estate and inconsiderate parking e.g. speeding on Harpers Road, Station Road and the A574 Expressway, and the obstruction of the pavement on Meadow Lane.
As well as the main contact telephone numbers above, residents may also find the following numbers/services useful :-
Action Fraud 0300 123 2040
This is essentially a means of collating all frauds within the Country with individual police forces subsequently being tasked to follow up enquiries.
Victim Support 08 08 16 89 11
Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
N.B. Where information can be passed anonymously.
Local residents can see how safe their neighbourhood is via on-line access to Police.uk where they can input their post code and obtain details regarding crimes in the area.
Warrington East