Scarecow Competition
Scarecrow Competition
The annual Scarecrow Competition has been running since 2013, and the scarecrows just seem to be better every year. There are some very imaginative, practical and humorous people living on the estate.
Each summer, residents are invited to build and display (during August) their scarecrows, based on a “theme” such as “Nursery Rhymes” or “The Olympics”.
These are then judged and prizes are awarded in two categories; Adult and Children.
It’s a great activity in which to spark kids’ imaginations and getting them involved in their own project – got to be better than computer games?
The number of entries is increasing year on year and some of the interpretations of the “theme” deserve a round of applause.
The “theme” for 2017 is “The Best of British”. Build your own, or collaborate with neighbours, put it on display and watch the smiles of passers-by, before touring Longbarn to check out the competition.